- The Valorization of Spanish Minority Grapevine Varieties—The Volatile Profile of Their Wines as a Characterization Feature
- Caracterización agronómica y enológica de 5 variedades de uva blanca recuperadas en Castilla-La Mancha: Blanca del Tollo, Castellana Blanca, Jarrosuelto, Montonera del Casar y Moscatel Serrano
- Four new wines from La Mancha region: Chemical characterization of oenological parameters, phenolic composition and volatile compounds
- Exploring intra-specific variability as an adaptive strategy to climate change: Response of 21 grapevine cultivars grown under drought conditions
- The Effects of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strain Overexpressing the Endopolygalacturonase PGU1 Gene on the Aminoacidic, Volatile, and Phenolic Compositions of Cabernet Sauvignon Wines
- Volatile characterization of recovery minority grape varieties from Castilla-La Mancha region (Spain)
- Seed and skin-derived flavanols in red wine: a study of Syrah, Marselan, and Tannat cultivars
- Influence of the thickness of oak alternatives on the composition and quality of red wines
- Could varieties genetically related to Tempranillo behave better than it under drought conditions?
- Variability in water use behavior during drought of different grapevine varieties: Assessment of their regulation of water status and stomatal control
- Comparación de las aptitudes enológicas de Moscatel de Grano Menudo, Moscatel Serrano y Airén
- Evolved Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains to reduce ethyl carbamate in Sherry wines
- Variation in Susceptibility to Downy Mildew Infection in Spanish Minority Vine Varieties
- Características enológicas de dos cultivares geneticamente relacionados: Benedicto y Tempranillo
- Evaluación del estado hídrico de variedades minoritarias de vid de diferentes zonas vitícolas de España por medidas de la relación isotópica del carbono (d13C)
- Influencia de diferentes estrategias de fermentación maloláctica sobre la duración del proceso y la calidad de vinos Tempranillo
- Variability in the Agronomic Behavior of 12 White Grapevine Varieties Grown under Severe Water Stress Conditions in the La Mancha Wine Region
- Saturación de los mostos con CO2 para reducir las dosis de sulfuroso en vinos blancos
- Agronomic Response of 13 Spanish Red Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) Cultivars under Drought Conditions in a Semi-Arid Mediterranean Climate
- Connecting the Soils with a Potential Viticultural Terroir Zone
- Comparative study of volatile substances and ellagitannins released into wine by Quercus pyrenaica, Quercus petraea and Quercus alba barrels
- Can SO2 reduction in white wines be achieved by using CO2 saturated grape musts?
- Improving an Industrial Sherry Base Wine by Yeast Enhancement Strategies
- Chemical composition of jabuticaba (Plinia jaboticaba) liquors produced from cachaça and cereal alcohol
- Saturation of grape musts with CO2: A technique to reduce the use of SO2 in white wines
- Use of Lachancea thermotolerans for Biological vs. Chemical Acidification at Pilot-Scale in White Wines from Warm Areas
- Effects of Water Stress on the Phenolic Compounds of ‘Merlot’ Grapes in a Semi-Arid Mediterranean Climate
- Marselan y Cabernet Sauvignon: dos cultivares cercanos que producen vinos de diferente perfil
- Cultivar Susceptibility to Natural Infections Caused by Fungal Grapevine Trunk Pathogens in La Mancha Designation of Origin (Spain)
- Projected effects of climate change on Tempranillo and Chardonnay varieties in La Mancha Designation of Origin
- Empleo de la técnica “Check All That Apply (CATA)” para valorar el perfil sensorial de vinos blancos elaborados con cuatro variedades de uva identificadas recientemente en Castilla-La Mancha
- Effects of the pre-fermentative addition of chitosan on the nitrogenous fraction and the secondary fermentation products of SO2-free red wines
- Effects of Water Stress on Vegetative Growth and ‘Merlot’ Grapevine Yield in a Semi-Arid Mediterranean Climate
- Field evaluation of six red grapevine cultivars inoculated with Neofusicoccum parvum
- Airén y Pedro Ximénez: vinos de diferente perfil sensorial
- Comprehensive Chemical and Sensory Assessment of Wines Made from White Grapes of Vitis vinifera Cultivars Albillo Dorado and Montonera del Casar: A Comparative Study with Airén
- Influence of supplementing red wine with oak staves of various ellagitannin release potentials and different micro-oxygenation doses on wine colour and phenolic and volatile composition
- Stilbenes in grapes and wines of Tannat, Marselan and Syrah from Uruguay
- Sensory descriptive and comprehensive GC-MS as suitable tools to characterize the effects of alternative winemaking procedures on wine aroma. Part II: BRS Rubea and BRS Cora
- Reducción de las dosis de sulfuroso en vinos blancos mediante la aplicación de CO2 en los mostos
- Enfermedades de madera de vid y estrategias de control
- Influence of grape seeds on wine composition and astringency of Tempranillo, Garnacha, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon wines
- Effect of fermentation temperature on volatile compounds of Petit Verdot red wines from the Spanish region of La Mancha (central-southeastern Spain)
- Potential of Different Natural Antioxidant Substances to Inhibit the 1-Hydroxyethyl Radical in SO2-Free Wines
- Impact of oenological antioxidant substances on the formation of 1-hydroxyethyl radical and phenolic composition in SO2 free red wines
- Analysis of the phenolic composition and yield of ‘BRS Vitoria’ seedless table grape under different bunch densities using HPLC–DAD–ESI-MS/MS.
- Co-existence of Inoculated Yeast and Lactic Acid Bacteria and Their Impact on the Aroma Profile and Sensory Traits of Tempranillo red wine.
- Perfil aromático y sensorial de los vinos Albillo Real y Albillo Dorado
- Perfil aromático y sensorial de vinos Moscatel de Grano Menudo y Malvasía Aromática
- Influence of oenological tannins on malvidin-3-O-monoglucoside copigmentation in a model wine solution
- Phenolic compounds profile of different berry parts from novel Vitis Vinifera L. red grape genotypes and Tempranillo using HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS: a varietal differentiation tool
- Moribel y Tempranillo: variedades afines con personalidad distinta
- Systematic study of hydroxyl radical production in white wines as a function of chemical composition
- Influence of the micro-oxygenation dose and supplementation with oak staves of different potential of ellagitannin release on wine color and composition
- First chemical and sensory characterization of Moribel and Tinto Fragoso wines using HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS, GC-MS, and Napping® techniques: comparison with Tempranillo
- Oenological potential of extracts from winery and cooperage by-products in combination with colloidal silver as natural substitutes to sulphur dioxide
- Measurement of the interaction between mucin and oenological tannins by Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR); relationship with astringency
- Sensory descriptive and comprehensive GC–MS as suitable tools to characterize the effects of alternative winemaking procedures on wine aroma. Part I: BRS Carmem and BRS Violeta
- Chemical and sensory characterization of the aroma of Chardonnay musts fermented with different nitrogen sources
- Vine-Shoot Tannins: Effect of Post-pruning Storage and Toasting Treatment
- Empleo de cultivos mixtos de Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Implantación y calidad de los vinos obtenidos
- Sensory characterization of wines obtained by blending Cencibel grapes and minority grape varieties cultivated in La Mancha Region
- Comparison between the phenolic composition of Petit Verdot wines elaborated at different maceration/fermentation temperatures
- Influence of the volatile substances released by oak barrels into a Cabernet Sauvignon red wine and a discolored Macabeo white wine on sensory appreciation by a trained panel
- Effect of kaolin silver complex on the control of populations of Brettanomyces and acetic acid bacteria in wine
- Situación actual de las enfermedades de madera en Castilla-La Mancha
- Efecto de la adición y tipo de nutrientes en fermentación alcohólica sobre el perfil aromático de vinos Chardonnay
- Caracterización de cinco genotipos relictos de vid, localizados en Castilla-La Mancha
- Effects of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 on the physiology in asymptomatic plants of Vitis vinifera
- Infuence of grape seeds and stems on wine composition and astringency
- Oxygen consumption rates by different oenological tannins in a model wine solution
- Mapeo proyectivo (Napping®) en el coupage de vinos blancos
- Isabel red wines produced from grape pre-drying and submerged cap winemaking: a phenolic and sensory approach
- Improved method for the extraction and chromatographic analysis on a fused-core column of ellagitannins found in oak-aged wine
- Storage stability of phenolic compounds in powdered BRS Violeta grape juice microencapsulated with protein and maltodextrin blends
- Identification of fungal pathogens associated with grapevine trunk using fluorescent labelled ribosomal DNA probe.
- Malolactic fermentation in barrels vs steel tanks
- Influence of the botanical origin and toasting level on the ellagitannin content of wines aged in new and used oak barrels
- Influence of the botanical origin, toast level and ellagitannin content on the oxygen consumption by oak chips in a model wine solution
- Influence of Grape Seeds and Stems on Wine Composition and Astringency
- Oxygen consumption by oak chips in a model wine solution; Influence of the botanical origin, toast level and ellagitannin content
- Comprehensive study of the phenolic composition of the edible parts of jambolan fruit (Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels)
- Trituración de las partes sólidas de la uva: Técnica para aumentar la extracción de flavan-3-oles en la vinificación
- Effects of malolactic fermentation on colour stability and phenolic composition of petit verdot red wines
- Influencia de la fermentación maloláctica en barrica sobre la composición de los vinos tintos de crianza
- Situación actual de las enfermedades de madera de vid en plantas jóvenes
- Malolactic fermentation before or during wine aging in barrels
- Application of abscisic acid (S-ABA) to cv. Isabel grapes (Vitis vinifera × Vitis labrusca) for color improvement: Effects on color, phenolic composition and antioxidant capacity of their grape juice
- Pre-drying and submerged cap winemaking: Effects on polyphenolic compounds and sensory descriptors. Part II: BRS Carmen and Bordô (Vitis labruca L.)
- Pre-drying and submerged cap winemaking: Effects on polyphenolic compounds and sensory descriptors. Part I: BRS Rúbea and BRS Cora.
- El carbonato cálcico como protector frente a condiciones de estrés en la vid.
- Sequential inoculation versus coinoculation in Cabernet Franc wine fermentation.
- Frecuencia y distribución de hongos asociados a enfermedades de madera de vid en Castilla-La Mancha.
- Aromatic compounds released from natural precursors by selected Oenococcus oeni strains during malolactic fermentation.
- Influence of berry size on red wine color and composition.
- Immobilization of ß-Glucosidase and Its Application for Enhancement of Aroma Precursors in Muscat Wine.
- Estudio comparativo de la composición de vinos tintos elaborados a distintas temperaturas de fermentación/maceración.
- Screening the phenolic composition of the wide diversity of autochthonous grape cultivars from La Mancha (Spain).
- Influence of sequential inoculation of Wickerhamomyces anomalus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the quality of red wines.
- Are Enterococcus populations present during malolactic fermentation of red wine safe?.
- Aging of red wines made from hybrid grape cv. BRS Violeta: effects of accelerated aging conditions on phenolic composition, color and antioxidant capacity.
- Bioacumulación de elementos minerales en variedades de vid cultivadas en “La Mancha”
- Recovery, identification and relationships by microsatellite analysis of ancient grapevine cultivars from Castilla-La Mancha: the largest wine growing region in the world.
- Screening the phenolic composition of the wide diversity of autochthonous grape cultivars from La Mancha (Spain)
- Chromatic characteristics and color-related phenolic composition of Brazilian young red wines made from the hybrid grape cultivar BRS Violeta (“BRS Rúbea” x “IAC 1398-21”)
- Evolución de los principales metabolitos de la fermentación maloláctica en vinos con niveles residuales de ácido málico
- Behavior during malolactic fermentation of three strains of Oenococcus oeni used as direct inoculation and acclimatisation cultures
- Vidueños autorizados en Castilla-La Mancha: comportamiento fenológico y productivo
- Esterase activity of lactic acid bacteria isolated from malolactic fermentation of red wines
- Inoculación de Hansenula anomala y Sacch. cerevisiae en mostos Macabeo
- Identification and Relationships of Grapevine Cultivars Authorized for Cultivation in Castilla La Mancha (Spain)
- Características Químicas y Sensoriales de los Vinos de Crianza de las variedades Cabernet Franc, Malbec y Petit Verdot cultivadas en una región cálida
- Malolactic Fermentation and Secondary Metabolite Production by Oenoccocus oeni Strains in Low pH Wines
- First report of Cylindrocladiella parva and C. peruviana associated with black-foot disease of grapevine in Spain
- Influence of inoculation time of an autochthonous selected malolactic bacterium on volatile and sensory profile of Tempranillo and Merlot wines
- Screening for glycosidase activities of lactic acid bacteria as a biotechnological tool in oenology
- Hongos patógenos de madera de vid aislados en Castilla-La Mancha durante los años 2008-2011 en muestras que presentaban en campo síntomas típicos de decaimientos
- Identificación de hongos patógenos de madera de vid de la familia Botryosphaeriaceae mediante PCR-RFLP
- Comparison of aromatic composition of an endangered variety (cv. Albilla Dorada) with other recognized aromatic varieties
- Colloidal silver complex as an alternative to sulphur dioxide in winemaking
- Inhibition of colon adenocarcinoma cell proliferation by flavonols is linked to a G2/M cycle block and reduction in cycling D1 expression
- Phenolic composition of the edible parts (flesh and skin) of Bordô grape (Vitis labrusca) using HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS
- Flavonol profiles for grape and wine authentication
- Enhancement of flavour properties in wines using sequential inoculations of non-Saccharomyces (Hansenula and Torulaspora) and Saccharomyces yeast starter
- Phenolic composition of the Brazilian seedless table grape varieties BRS Clara and BRS Morena
- Structure Elucidation of Peonidin 3,7-O-ß-Diglucoside Isolated 2 from Garnacha Tintorera (Vitis vinifera L.) Grapes
- Flavonol Profiles of Vitis vinifera White Grape Cultivars
- Descripción de los hongos patógenos de madera de vid aislados más frecuentemente en viñas de Castilla-La Mancha
- Variability of leaf water potential and water efficiency with stomatal conductance in 5 grapevine cultivars
- Effect of irrigation and variety on oxygen (d18O ) and carbon (d13C ) stable isotope composition of grapes cultivated in a warm climate.
- Bacterial biodiversity and dynamics during malolactic fermentation of Tempranillo wines as determined by a culture-independent method (PCR-DGGE)
- Analysis of lactic acid bacteria populations during spontaneous malolactic fermentation of Tempranillo wines at five wineries during two consecutive vintages
- Selection of autochthonous Oenococcus oeni strains according to their oenological properties and vinification results
- Hongos asociados a las enfermedades de madera de vid en la variedad Syrah en Castilla-La Mancha
- Ecological study of lactic acid microbiota isolated from Tempranillo wines of Castilla-La Mancha
- New Synonymies Found in Genetic Study of Minority Grapevine Cultivars from Galicia (NW Spain) Using Microsatellite Analysis
- Red-Color Related Phenolic Composition of Garnacha Tintorera (Vitis vinifera L.). Grapes and Red Wines
- Biogenic Amine Production by Oenococcus oeni Isolates from Malolactic Fermentation of Tempranillo Wine
- Impact of the vine water status on the berry and seed phenolic composition of ‘Merlot’ (Vitis vinífera L.) cultivated in a warm climate: Consequence for the style of wine
- Intraspecific genetic diversity of lactic acid bacteria from malolactic fermentation of Cencibel wines as derived from combined analysis of RAPD-PCR and PFGE patterns
- Flavonol 3-glycoside series of Vitis vinifera cv. Petit Verdot red wine grapes
- Influencia de la fermentación maloláctica espontánea en la composición de los vinos tintos Cencibel elaborados en Castilla-La Mancha
- Changes in the aromatic composition of Tempranillo wines during spontaneous malolactic fermentation
- Amino acids and biogenic amines during spontaneous malolactic fermentation in Tempranillo red wines
- Genetic characterization of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivars from Castilla La Mancha (Spain) using microsatellite markers.
- Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Grapevine Accessions Known as Moravia/o
- Producción de acidez volátil y degradación de ácido cítrico por cepas de Oenococcus oeni aisladas de la fermentación maloláctica espontánea de vinos Cencibel elaborados en Castilla-La Mancha.
- Anthocyanin profile of Spanish Vitis vinifera L.red grape varieties in danger of extinction
- Efecto del estrés hídrico sobre la eficacia de la utilización del agua en cv. Merlot (Vitis vinifera L.)
- HPLC analysis of diverse grape and wine phenolics using direct injection and multidetection by DAD and fluorescence
- Simultaneous HPLC analysis of biogenic amines, amino acids and ammonium ion as aminoenones derivatives in wine and beer samples
- Flavonol profiles of Vitis vinifera red grapes and their single-cultivar wines
- Phenolic compounds in skins and seeds of ten grape Vitis vinifera varieties grown in warm climate
- Pyrazine contents in four red grape varieties cultivated in a warm climate
- Diferencias de composición fenólica y de color entre vinos tintos garnacha elaborados tradicionalmente y en depósitos “ganimede”
- Cepas comerciales de bacterias lácticas para la inducción de la fermentación maloláctica en vinos tintos Cencibel: eficiencia, implantación e influencia sobre la calidad
- Fertilidad de la variedad Chardonnay en Castilla-La Mancha
- Actividad antioxidante y composición fenólica en vinos de Castilla-La Mancha
- Comparative production of different melon distillates: Chemical and sensory analyses
- Caracterización de la madera de sarmiento de vid con vistas a su aprovechamiento papelero
- Obtención de pastas celulósicas a partir de sarmientos de la vid
- Perfil antociánico de las variedades Tinto Velasco y Moravia agria. Comparación con otras variedades
- Evolución del color en vinos tintos de las variedades Cencibel y Cabernet Sauvignon durante la crianza en diferentes tipos de robles
- Antocianos de variedades tintas cultivadas en La Mancha: perfiles varietales característicos de la uva y de los vinos monovarietales, y evolución durante maduración de la baya
- Aptitud enológica de una cepa de levadura autóctona aislada en Castilla-La Mancha para la elaboración de vinos tintos jóvenes Cencibel y Garnacha
- Selection of lactic bacteria to induce malolactic fermentation in red wine of cv. Cencibel
- Comportamiento de la levadura “VN” seleccionada en Castilla-La Mancha. Su influencia en la fermentación maloláctica
- Fertilidad y cuajado de la variedad Merlot en Castilla-La mancha. Aplicación en la poda
- Respuesta agronómica de tres variedades de vid de uva tinta en la ecorregión manchega en 2002
- Modificación del color en los vinos tintos durante la fermentación maloláctica. Influencia en al cepa de bacteria láctica
- Enological suitability of a yeast strain indigenous to Castilla-La Mancha for red wine production
- Influencia de la cepa de bacteria láctica sobre la composición aromática de los vinos sometidos a fermentación maloláctica
- Changes in volatile compounds during ripening in grapes of Airén, Macabeo and Chardonay white varieties grown in La Mancha region
- Comparación de los compuestos volátiles de la variedad Pardillo con los de otras dos variedades cultivadas en la comarca de La Manchuela
- Los compuestos volátiles en las uvas de variedades Cencibel, Cabernet sauvignon y Garnacha cultivadas en la región de la Mancha Central durante la maduración
- Estudio de los terpenos libres durante la maduración en las uvas de variedades Airén, Macabeo, Chardonnay y Moscatel de grano menudo cultivadas en la región de La Mancha
- Diferenciación de la composición aromática de vinos tintos de la variedad garnacha en función del mosto, la cepa, la levadura y la fermentación maloláctica