
Departamento de Reproducción

Condicionado Sanitario para Ingresos en el Centro de Sementales

Departamento de Investigación

Área de Lactología

Área de Reproducción y Mejora Genética Animal

Departamento de Genética Molecular



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Enlaces de Interés






Jiménez-Rabadán P., García-Álvarez O., Vidal A., et al. 2015. Free-radical production after post-thaw incubation of ram spermatozoa is related to decreased in vivo fertility. Cryobiology. 71:85-90


García-Álvarez O., Maroto-Morales A., Jiménez-Rabadám P., et al. 2015. Free-radical production after post-thaw incubation of ram spermatozoa is related to decreased in vivo fertility. Theriogenology. 84:948-955.


Anel-López L., García-Álvarez O., Maroto-Morales A., et al. 2015. Free-radical production after post-thaw incubation of ram spermatozoa is related to decreased in vivo fertility. Animal Reproduction Science. 162:73-79.


Maroto-Morales A., Ramón M., García-Álvarez O., et al. 2015. Free-radical production after post-thaw incubation of ram spermatozoa is related to decreased in vivo fertility. Theriogenology. 84:1536-1541.


Jiménez-Rabadán P., Pérez-Guzmán MD., Garde JJ., et al. 2015. Genetic parameters for sperm morphometric traits in rams of Manchego sheep. ITEA. Jornadas AIDA 2015. Zaragoza


Ramón M., Serradilla JM., Díaz C., et al. 2015. Selection criteria for heat-stress tolerance in dairy ruminant. Correlation between tolerance and productive level. ITEA. Jornadas AIDA 2015. Zaragoza


Ramón M; Salces-Órtiz J; González C; Pérez-Guzmán MD; Garde JJ; García-Álvarez O; Maroto-Morales A; Calvo JH; Serrano M. (2014). Influence of the temperature and the genotype of the HSP90AA1 gene over sperm chromatin stability in Manchega rams. PLOS ONE


Salces-Ortiz J, González C, Moreno-Sánchez N, Calvo Jh, Pérez-Guzmán Md, Serrano M.. (2013) Ovine HSP90AA1 Expression Rate Is Affected by Several SNPs at the Promoter under Both Basal and Heat Stress Conditions. PLoS ONE 8(6): e66641. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0066641


Kijas, J.W., Serrano, M., Mcculloch, R., Li, Y., Salces Ortiz, J., Calvo, J.H., Pérez-Guzmán, M.D. and The International Sheep Genomics Consortium (2013), Genomewide association for a dominant pigmentation gene in sheep. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 130: 468–475. doi: 10.1111/jbg.12048


Jimenez-Rabadán P; Ramón M; García-Álvarez O; Maroto-Morales A; Álvaro-García PJ; del Olmo E; Pérez-Guzmán MD; Fernández-Santos MR; Garde JJ; Soler AJ. 2013. Improved cryopreservation protocol for Blanca-Celtibérica buck semen collected by electroejaculation. Cryobiology. 67 - 3, pp. 251 – 257.


Ramón M; Soler AJ; Ortiz JA; García-Álvarez O; Maroto-Morales A; Roldán ERS; Garde JJ. 2013. Sperm Population Structure and Male Fertility: An Intraspecific Study of Sperm Design and Velocity in Red Deer. Biology of Reproduction.


García-Álvarez O; Maroto-Morales A; Ramón M; del Olmo P; Jiménez-Rabadán P; Fernández-Santos MR; Anel-López L; Garde JJ; Soler AJ. 2013. Dynamics of sperm subpopulations based on motility and plasma membrane status in thawed ram spermatozoa incubated under conditions that support in vitro capacitation and fertilisation. Reproduction, Fertility and Development. CSIRO PUBLISHING,27/05/13


Ramón M; Pérez-Guzmán MD; Jiménez-Rabadán P; Esteso MC; García-Álvarez O; Maroto-Morales A; Anel-López L; Soler AJ; Fernández-Santos MR; Garde JJ. 2013. Sperm Cell Population Dynamics in Ram Semen during the Cryopreservation Process. PLOS ONE. 8 - 3, pp. E59189


Del Olmo E; Bisbal A; Maroto-Morales A; García-Álvarez O; Ramón M; Jiménez-Rabadán P; Martínez-PastorF; Soler AJ; Garde JJ; Fernández-Santos MR. 2013, Fertility of cryopreserved ovine semen is determined by sperm velocity. Animal Reproduction Science. Elsevier, 22/02/2013.


Jiménez-Rabadán P; Morrell JM; Johannisson A; Ramón M; García-Álvarez O; Maroto-Morales A; Álvaro-García PJ; Pérez-Guzmán MD; Fernádez-Santos MR; Garde JJ; Soler AJ. 2012. Single Layer Centrifugation (SLC) improves sperm quality of cryopreserved Blanca-Celtibérica buck semen. Animal Reproduction Science. 136 - 1-2, pp. 47 - 54.


Jiménez-Rabadán P; Ramón M; García-Álvarez O; Maroto-Morales M; del Olmo E; Pérez-Guzmán MD; Bisbal A; Fernández-Santos MR; Garde JJ; Soler AJ. 2012, Effect of semen collection method (artificial vagina vs. electroejaculation), extender and centrifugation on post-thaw sperm quality of Blanca-Celtibérica buck ejcaulates. Animal Reproduction Science. 132 - 1, pp. 88 – 95


Maroto-Morales, A; Ramón, M; García-Álvarez, O; Soler, A J; Fernandez-Santos MR; Roldan, E R S; Gomendio, M; Pérez-Guzmán, M D; Garde, J J. 2012. Morphometrically-distinct Sperm Subpopulations defined by a Multi-step Statistical procedure in Ram Ejaculates: Intra- and Inter individual variation. Theriogenology. 77 - 8, pp. 1529 -1539.


Ramón M; Martínez-Pastor F; García-Álvarez O; Maroto-Morales A; Soler AJ; Jiménez-Rabadán P; Fernández-Santos MR; Bernabéu R; Garde JJ. 2012, Taking advantage of the use of supervised learning methods for characterization of sperm population structure related with freezability in the Iberian red deer. Theriogenology. 77 - 8, pp. 1661 – 1672


Maroto-Morales A, Ramón M, García-Álvarez O, Soler AJ, Esteso MC, Martínez-Pastor F, Pérez-Guzman MD, Garde JJ. 2010. Characterization of ram (Ovis aries) sperm head morphometry using the Sperm Class Analyzer®. Theriogenology, 73:437-448. [Indice impacto: 2.041]


Ramón M, Legarra A., Ugarte E., Garde JJ., Pérez-Guzman MD. 2010. Economic weigths for principal milk constituents of manchega dairy ewes. Journal of Dairy Science (en revisión). [Indice impacto: 2.486]


Maroto-Morales A, Ramón M, García-Álvarez O, Soler AJ, Esteso MC, Martínez-Pastor F, Pérez-Guzmán MD, Garde JJ. Characterization of ram (Ovis aries) sperm head morphometry using the Sperm-Class Analyzer. Theriogenology. 2010 Mar 1;73(4):437-48.

García-Álvarez O, Maroto-Morales A, Ramón M, del Olmo E, Montoro V, Domínguez-Rebolledo AE, Bisbal A, Jiménez-Rabadán P, Pérez-Guzmán MD, Soler AJ. Analysis of selected sperm by density gradient centrifugation might aid in the estimation of in vivo fertility of thawed ram spermatozoa.
Theriogenology. 2010 Oct 1;74(6):979-88.

Ramón M, Legarra A, Ugarte E, Garde JJ, Pérez-Guzmán MD. Economic weights for major milk constituents of Manchega dairy ewes.
Journal of Dairy Science. 2010 Jul; 93(7):3303-3309.

García-Álvarez O, Maroto-Morales A, Martínez-Pastor F, Garde JJ, Ramón M, Fernández-Santos MR, Esteso MC, Pérez-Guzman MD, Soler AJ. 2009. Sperm characteristics and in vitro fertilization ability of thawed spermatozoa from Black Manchega ram: Electroejaculation and post-mortem collection.
Theriogenology, 72: 160-168.[Indice impacto: 2.041]


García-Álvarez O, Maroto-Morales A, Ramón M, del Olmo E, Montoso V, Domínguez-Rebolledo AE, Bisbal A, Jimenez-Rabadán P, Pérez-Guzman MD, Soler AJ. 2009. Analysis of selected sperm by density gradient centrifugation might aid in the estimation of in vivo fertility of thawed ram spermatozoa. Theriogenology (en revisión). [Indice impacto: 2.041]



Comunicaciones en Congresos.

1- García-Cervigón M; O. Díaz Merino; D. Calero Peña; P. Alamo, R. Gallego; PJ. Álvaro-García; MD. Pérez-Guzmán; M. Ramón. Caracterización de la fase de entrenamiento para ia en el programa de mejora de la raza ovina Manchega. XXXVIII Congreso SEOC, Málaga, 18-20/09/2013.

2- Carabaño MJ; Ramón M; Abo-Shady HM; Pérez-Guzmán MD; Serrano M; Díaz C; Molina A; Menéndez-Buxadera A; Bahchaga K; Pérez-Cabal MA; Serradilla JM. Heat stress in two local breeds of dairy ruminants. XV Jornadas sobre Producción Animal, Zaragoza, 14-15/05/2013.

3- Del Olmo E, Bisbal AF, García-Álvarez O, Maroto-Morales A, Ramón M, Jiménez-Rabadán P, Pérez-Guzmán MD, Soler AJ, Garde JJ, Fernández-Santos MR. Free radicals detection by the fluorescein probe (CM-H2DCFDA) and flow cytometry is a good predictor of fertility in ram sperm samples. European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction (AERA) Congress, 15.-17. September 2012 in Antalya, Turkey. 

4- García-Álvarez O, Maroto-Morales A, Ramón M, Jiménez-Rabadán P, Pérez-Guzmán MD, Garde JJ, Soler AJ. Effect of capacitation conditions in thawed ram sperm obtained by electroejaculation and post-mortem. 10th International Meeting of the Spanish Asociation for Animal Reproduction (AERA). Cáceres 2-6 Junio 2010. Reproduction in Domestic Animals. 2010 Jun 45(2):79-102. [Índice impacto: 1.526]

5- Maroto-Morales A, Ramón M, García-Álvarez O, Jiménez-Rabadán P, Soler AJ, Pérez-Guzmán MD, Garde JJ. The influence of some external factors on reproductive traits in Manchega sheep breed. 10th International Meeting of the Spanish Asociation for Animal Reproduction (AERA). Cáceres 2-6 Junio 2010. Reproduction in Domestic Animals. 2010 Jun 45(2):79-102. [Índice impacto: 1.526]

6- Ramón M, Maroto-Morales A, García-Álvarez O, Jiménez-Rabadán P, Pérez-Guzmán MD, Martínez-Pastor F, Soler AJ, Garde JJ. The use of R statistical software to analyze flow cytometry data. 10th International Meeting of the Spanish Asociation for Animal Reproduction (AERA). Cáceres 2-6 Junio 2010 Reproduction in Domestic Animals. 2010 Jun 45(2):79-102 [Índice impacto: 1.526]

 7- Cano-Ortiz, P., Ramón, M., Jurado, J.J., Serrano, M.,  Pérez-Guzmán, M.D. Búsqueda de un gen de gran efecto para prolificidad en la raza Manchega. XIII Jornadas sobre Producción Animal. Zaragoza 12-13 Mayo 2009. AIDA, Tomo I, 93-95. ISBN 973-84-613-2311-1.














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